When Is Weight Loss Too Much, Too Fast?

At 510 pounds, Ind. student’s weight-loss struggle is inspiring


garcinia cambogia http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 side effects “We look more at body composition: lean to muscle fat and where that fat is on the body. Fat between the collarbone and pubic bone, carried deep in and around the organs, has more negative health effects than fat carried just underneath the skin,” Horn said, adding that blood pressure, blood work and mobility also factor into setting goals for patients in the center’s weight-loss programs. Just using BMI, she stressed, discounts the many who fall into the “normal” range but still carry too much weight in this problem area, which results in higher risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, abnormal cholesterol and high blood pressure. Horn also said she prefers to use a percentage instead of pounds when factoring per-week weight-loss goals.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.chron.com/news/health/article/When-is-weight-loss-too-much-too-fast-5248846.php

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“I think it’s going to give a lot of hope to a lot of other kids.” Indiana is the eighth most obese state in the nation, according to the 2013 F as in Fat report by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Of the about 1.6 million children living in Indiana, 17%, or about 270,000, are obese, said Laura Hormouth, nutrition coordinator for the Indiana Department of Health’s Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity. By sharing his story with The Indianapolis Star, Eric has said he hoped to encourage others to address an obesity problem that plagues far too many people. Laura Ekis, Eric’s mother, said the family has been surprised by the attention. “He said he’s famous,” she said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/18/indiana-teen-weight-loss-reaction/5586573/

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